Restrictive Vs.

Non-Restrictive Options

What's The Difference Between Restrictive Vs. Non-Restrictive Options?

  • What is an Restrictive Mortgage?

    You are gving up certain things in order to get a lower cost.

    • Typically will pay a minimum pre-payment penalty.
    • May include a sales clause where you can't change the lender until you sell that property.
    • Another restriction can be a collateral charge (see our section on this for a full breakdown).

    With a restrictive option you need to make sure you can keep up with ability to make pre-payments.

  • What is a Non-Restrictive Mortgage?

    With a non-restrictive option we usually see:

    • No extra pre-payment charges.
    • 3 month interest penalty.
    • Flexibility to port your mortgage.
    • Can leave that current lender at any time without pre-payments.

    The cost difference between these two options is usually as little as .1%.

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